Expert Doctors
- All
- Medicine
- Diabetes
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology
- Neurology
- Dermatology
- Hematology
- Internal Medicine
- ENT & Head Neck Surgery
- Laparoscopic Surgery
- Gynaecology & Obstetric
- Pediatrics
- Pediatric Cardiology
- Nephrology
- Urology
- Orthopedic
- Psychiatry
- Respiratory Medicine
- Thoracic Surgery
- General & Breast Surgery
- Thyroid Medicine
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Dentistry
- Physical Medicine
- Nutritionist

Dr. Abdul Alim Nadim
MBBS. MD (Nurology), MRCPS (Glasgow), BSMMU
Brian, Nurve, Spine & Medicine Specialist
Associate Professor
National Institute of Nurosciences & Hospital

Dr. Sadia Afrin Tani
MBBS. MS (General Surgery)
General, Laparoscopic, Breast & Colorectal Surgeon
Assistant Professor (Surgery)
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Sumyia Akhter
Obs & Gynae Specialist & Surgeon
Consultant, OGSB & IRCH
Assistant Professor (Ex)
Enam Medical College & Hospital.

Dr. Mahmuder Rahman (Feroz)
MBBS. DCH (BSMMU). BCS (Health).
Neoborn & Paedicatric Specialist
Assistant Professor (Pediatrics Dept)
Faridpur Medical College & Hospital.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Md. Saleh Ahmed
MBBS, MD (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation), MPH
Assistant Professor
Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College Hospital

Dr. Suraiya Apsara
MBBS. FCPS (Obs & Gynae)
Trained in Gynae Laparoscopy
Gynae & Obs Specialist
Assistant Professor
Sahabuddin Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Md. Sakif Shahriar
MBBS. MD (Cardiology), FESC, FSCAI
Fellowship Training in Interventional Cardiology (Chaina, Singapore)
Medicine & Cardiology Specialist
Assistant Professor
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital) Shahbag, Dhaka.

Dr. Sazia Afrin
MBBS, MD (Neonatology) (BSMMU)
BCS (Health)
Special training in treatment of low birth weight and sick neonates (AIIMS, New Delhi, India)
Neonatal, Child, Adolescent Specialist
Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka Cantonment, Dhaka.

Prof. Col. Dr. Nazmul Islam Bhuiyan
MBBS. FCPS (Paedi). FCPS (Paedi-Cardiology)
Neoborn & Paedicatric Specialist
Combined Militery Hospital, Cantonment, Dhaka.

Dr. Rezoana Ahmed
MBBS. M.Phil (Nuclear Medicine & Ultrasound, BSMMU)
C-Ultra (Juri-USA). DMUD (USTC)
Thyroid Medicine & Sonologist
Assistant Professor
MH Samorita Hospital & Medical College

Dr. Didar Md Ibrahim Bhuiyan
Nose, Ear, Throat Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor
Kumudini Women Medical College & Hospital.

Professor Dr. Rafiqul Hoque
Neoborn & Paedicatric Specialist
Professor & Head, Dept of Paediatrics (Ex)
Holy Family Redcrescent Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.

Dr. Md. Ali Chowdhury
MBBS. DD (Thailand)
Allergist, Dermatology & Venerologist
Senior Consultant & Head of Department (Ex)
Government Employee Hospital

Dr. Shaikh Imran Hossain
MBBS. MD (Nephrology). MACP (USA)
Kidney Diseases & Medicine Specialist
Mugda Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka

Dr. Halida Yasmin
Obs & Gynae Specialist
Ex- Assistant Registrar
Zohurul Islam Medical College & Hospital, Bajitpur, Maymenshing.

Dr. K. M. Reaz Morshed
MBBS. FCPS (Surgery).
MS (Surgical Oncology)
General, Laparoscopic & Cancer Surgery Specialist
Assistant Professor (Surgery)
National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital , Dhaka.

Dr. Mahzabin Naz
Post graduate training in (Obs & Gynae) London
Obs & Gynae Specialist
Special trained in Infertility & Laparoscopy Surgery
Associate Professor
East-West Medical College, Dhaka.

Dr. S M Atikur Rahman
MBBS. M.Phil (Psychiatry)
Advance trained in sexual Medicine (Bangalore)
Psychiatry Specialist
Assistant Professor
Bangabondhu Shekh Mujib Medical University (PG Hospital), Dhaka.

Professor Dr. Kaniz Moula
MBBS. FCPS (Medicine).
Medicine Specialist
Head of Department (Medicine Dept.)
Holy Family Red-Crescent Medical College Hospital, Dhaka

Dr. Md. Gulzar Hossain
MBBS. MD (Hematology).
Hematology, Hemato-Oncology & Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor
Bangabandu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (P.G Hospital), Dhaka.

Dr. Nadira Afroz
MBBS. DCH. FCPS (Paediatrics).BCS (Health)
Neoborn & Paedicatric Specialist
Senior Consultant & Scanu Consultant
Matrisodon Child Health Training Institute, Azimpur.

Dr. Hafiz Al Asad
MBBS. MS (Urology)
Trained in Urology (Singapore)
Urologist & Surgeon
Assistant Professor, Urology (Kidney Surgery)
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital

Professor Dr. A M Talukder
MBBS. DCH. FCPS (Paediatrics)
Fellowship Training in Neonat (Delhi)
Patient Safety & Quality Care Course
John hopkinson University (USA)
Neoborn & Paedicatric Specialist
Professor, Dept of Pediatrics (EX)
M H Samorita Medical College, Dhaka.

Dr. Zebun Nessa
MBBS. MCPS, BCS (Health), FCPS (Gynae)
Obs & Gynae Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor & Head of Department
Kurmitola General Hospita, Dhaka.

Associate Professor Dr. Md. Osman Gani
MBBS. BCS (Health).
MS (Thoracic Surgery)
Minimal Invesive Thoracic & Oesophagas Specialist & Surgeon
Associate Professor
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Subroto Kumar Gain
Chest & Asthma Specialist
Junior Consultant (Respiratory Medicine)
(EX) National Institute of Chest Diseases & Hospital, Dhaka.

Dr. Mohammad Kamrul Hasan
MBBS. BCS (Health). FCPS (Medicine)
MD (Critical Care Medicine)
Higher trained in Diabetes & Hormone
Medicine & Diabetes Specialist
Government Employee Hospital, Dhaka.

Dr. (Lt. Col) Zebunnessa Farooqi
Obs & Gynae Specialist
(Retd) CMH, Cantonment, Dhaka.

Dr. Umme Parveen
Obs & Gynae Specialist
Trained in Laparoscopic Surgery
Associate Professor
Holy Family Red-crescent Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka.

Professor Dr. Khodeja Begum
MS (Gynae),
Gynae & Obs Specialist
Professor & Head of Department (Gynae Dept)
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital

Dr. Md. Jahangir Kabir
MBBS. BCS (Health).
MD (Hepatology). BSMMU
Liver, Gastroenterology & Medicine Specialist
Assistant Professor & Head of Department (Liver)
Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka.

Dr. S M Shariful Hassan
MBBS. MS (Ortho)
Orthopedics & Trauma Surgeon
Sir Solimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital, Dhaka.

Dr. Md. Rawnak Khurshid
MBBS. MS (Cardio-Vascular).
Cardio-Vascular Specialist & Surgeon
Resident Surgeon (Vascular Surgery)
Dhaka Medical College & Hospital, Dhaka

Antora Rani Paul
Certified in Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics (BADN) BSC (HONORS),
MS (Nutrition & Food Technology)
Jashore University of science & technology
Dietician & Nutritionist

Dr. Umme Nahar
MPH. FCPS (Final Part).
Eye Specialist & Surgeon
National Institute of Opthalmology & Hospital (NIOH).

Dr. Maria Siddika Mira
Eye Specialist, Medical Retina & Faco Surgeon
Birdem General Hospial & Ibrahim Medical College

Dr. Nusrat Lubna Islam
FICO (Visual Science)
Long term fellowship in cataract Surgeon
Bashundhara Eye Hospital & Research Institute
Glaucoma Specialist & Cataract Surgeon
National Institute of Opthalmology & Hospital (NIOH).

Dr. Faisal Ahmed
MD (Alternative Medicine) IBAM, India, C-17551, Reg: 14365
BPT, RPT (Directorate General of Health Services), P-45
PGT (Neuro (Stroke Rehabilitation),m Neurology Department
Dhaka Medical College
Trained in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Department), DMCH
Physiotherapy Specialist
Instant Appointment
With Doctors
24/7 Service Facilities
Quality Doctor’s
World Class Environment

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